#ThaiTrip, Here is the Tip! – Lodging in Chiang Mai

Traveling and lodging come in one package, right? So, here was the inn which housed us in Chiang Mai. Since the four of us were not fussy on having the great-with-stars kind of hotel, so we went for those which offered excellent values–meaning: great location (near the food and transportation!), basic facilities: B&B! (we would rather bed and bathroom than bed and breakfast!) and, since we did mind our budget, great price (read: cheap, cheap, cheap!). If you are looking for the same things, you might want to check this out.

Lodging in Chiang Mai: Naruncha Green House

TTM Plus One with GOI, the kind and funny Naruncha Green House owner! Thank you for the excellent hospitality ❤

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#ThaiTrip, Here is the Tip! – Bangkok-Chiang Mai-Bangkok Train Trip

TTM Plus One in front of the famous Golden Toilet at Wat Rong Khun, Chiang Rai! credit: Debby

A little detail before I go on the tips. You shall know that this trip…

… happened on 3-12 June 2014.
… was a four-persons trip: it’s TTM Plus One!
… was all around Chiang Mai and Bangkok.

Details on what happened on the trip shall prevail after this post, if I got the time to work on it. Now, for the accommodation tips on schedule and fares for Bangkok-Chiang Mai-Bangkok Train Trip you might want to know!

More at timejumble.wordpress.com: click

Candi Muaro Jambi: An Almost-Neglected History (Jan 24, 2014)

Me at one of the temples in Candi Muaro Jambi compounds

The place is around one-plus hour ride from the airport, assuming the average speed of the vehicles is 60-70km/h. That time at the entrance we were told to pay IDR 15.000 for entrance fee. It was not clear whether that amount was meant for 3 person (IDR 5.000 per person), or two motorbikes that we rode. We were not given any ticket whatsoever, the guards just let us inside with a smile after we paid. We were not given any brochures or maps, too. Those guards said that they had been out-of-print. Oh, well.

More at timejumble.wordpress.com: click

Santap Sedap Kuliner Bogor, Ini Rekomendasinya!

Highlight: Kedai Kita, Momomilk, Sop dan Sate Sapi Bang Adi Kumis

Bogor itu menyimpan banyak kuliner sedap! Seru banget wisata kuliner ke kota hujan yang jaraknya hanya sekitar setengah jam dari Depok (kalo pake kereta hehehe). Sebenarnya belum sempat mencoba banyak, baru tiga tempat. Tapi, menurut saya tiga tempat ini punya nuansa dan citarasa yang oke.. sudah lebih dari sekali saya balik lagi ke tiga tempat ini buat tambo ciek!

Selengkapnya di timejumble.wordpress.com: klik.